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Sa 16 DTC P24AF00 Volvo ?

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SA 16 DTC P245700 Driver sent me the code Mike Mcmillan. The diagnostic trouble code (DTC) can be diagnosed with the engine at operating temperature, approximately 15 minutes after the engine has first been started if the vehicle is driven (normal road load) at 70-90 km/h for 30-40 seconds. Bpinar, Aug 23, 2018 #1. What is fault code SA 16 DTC PO 29900? Volvo Cars & Trucks. 2017 Volvo VNL + D13 Every time this truck hits a hill, it generates this code and significantly loses power for the rest of the day. zillow tenn 17,409 Satisfied Customers. Sa 16 DTC P24AF00 Volvo 2017 engine starts and shuts down right away. Your U000188 fault is related to the Backbone 2 data link. 8,577 Satisfied Customers. jennifer aniston squirt Not sure how to proceed. When I got this code it was raining outside Volvo/Mack Master Tech. My truck just threw these codes at me SA 16 DTC P042000 - Seems like this one has to do with NOx Sensor. 1,153 Satisfied Customers. SA 16 DTC P245700 Driver sent me the code Mike Mcmillan. ae snoopy sweater Buddy Volvo 15 d13 sa 16 dtc p 103c00 it run 5 mi only how can reset pl 730 I ship d13 Same Volvo/Mack Master Tech, Certified with Cummins, Eaton, GM, Hino, Detroit Diesel. ….

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